Enumeration PublicMediaField

Public Media info fields.


Tiago Grosso tiagogrosso99@gmail.com



Enumeration Members

CAPTION: "caption"

The caption of the media.

CHILDREN: "children"

The children of the media object. Only returned for Album IG Media.

COMMENTS_COUNT: "comments_count"

The number of comments on the media object.

ID: "id"

The id of the media object.

LIKE_COUNT: "like_count"

The number of likes on the media object.

MEDIA_PRODUCT_TYPE: "media_product_type"

Surface where the media is published. Can be AD, FEED, IGTV, or STORY.

MEDIA_TYPE: "media_type"

The type of media object.

MEDIA_URL: "media_url"

The URL of the media object.

OWNER: "owner"

The owner of the media object.

PERMALINK: "permalink"

The permalink of the media object.

TIMESTAMP: "timestamp"

The ISO 8601 formatted creation date in UTC (default is UTC ±00:00)

USERNAME: "username"

The username of the media object owner.

VIDEO_TITLE: "video_title"

IGTV media title.

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